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Our show

Public performances

  • September 29th at 6pm at Auditório Carlos Paredes
  • October 13th at 4pm at Biblioteca de Marvila

All entries will be made exclusively upon prior reservation, via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) indicating first and last names, number of tickets and telephone contact.


It all could have started on a dance floor but it started on a race track. Running to be accepted, to be big, especially when we feel small. What to do when we are in a crowd? Who are we? How should we act? What do we show? Each character has a unique story, with fears, anxieties, intense feelings, difficult sensations, indecisions, dilemmas, failures, joys, dreams... They all consider themselves different from each other and have their internal world populated by creatures that shame does not allow show. Everyone realizes that difference is not a sign of division and distancing. If they get to know each other, show themselves, share experiences, it will reveal that the path of tolerance does not only improve the lives of those who are suffering, but of the entire community. The good of each is the good of all.

Powered by: WeARTolerance Project Team

Technical sheet

Direction and text: Sofia Ângelo

Management, text and staging assistance: Ana Beato

Staging Assistance: Gonçalo Fontes

Management assistance: Ana Carvalho

Interpretation: Bubacar Djalo, Constança Silva, Diogo Ferreira, Gabriel Cardoso, Guilherme Almeida, Laura Whitehurst, Luísa Lopes, Maria João Garrido, Mariana Gouveia, Matilde Marques, Patrícia Laranjeira, Sérgio Mota, Tomás Marques

Choreographic Movement: Raquel Cabral

Prop (book): Ana Maymone

Sound design: Guilherme Fortunato

Voice and acoustic space: Sara Afonso

Light design: Ana Luísa

Photography and Video: Creative Monster

Graphic Design: Inês Reis

Production: Raquel Bravo

Creation: WeARTolerance; COFAC; HEI-Lab; Universidade Lusófona

Project financed by: la Caixa Foundation

Financing and Institutional Support: Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, C.R.L (COFAC), Hei-Lab, Universidade Lusófona

Partners Irmãs Hospitaleiras,  Associação Portuguesa de Neurofibromatose (APNF), Instituto de Apoio à Criança (IAC), Pressley Ridge, Associação Portuguesa Voz do Autista, Partners in Neuroscience (PIN), Real Colégio, Companheiro,  Junta de Freguesia de Benfica e Biblioteca de Marvila

Support: Municipio de Óbidos, Hastagartes, Teatro Meridional, Plataforma285

Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the La Caixa Foundation and COFAC for financing the project and all the people involved in the WeARTolerance project, especially all the collaborators, assistants and families who supported the development of this show.


Feedback about the show

We share feedback from those who attended the premiere of our theater show "A Festa da Vida"!

Feedback about the show

We share feedback from a spectator of our theater show "A Festa da Vida"!

Feedback about the show

We share feedback from those who attended the premiere of our theater show "A Festa da Vida"!

Feedback about the show

We share feedback from a spectator of our theater show "A Festa da Vida"!

Feedback about the show

We share feedback from those who attended the premiere of our theater show "A Festa da Vida"!

Feedback about the show

We share feedback from those who attended the premiere of our theater show "A Festa da Vida"!