Student of the Master in Clinical and Health Psychology at Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa. She began her academic training at Universidade Jean Piaget de Angola, and later completed her degree in Psychology at Instituto Piaget de Almada.
Sheila completed the academic internship at APADP – Associação de Pais e Amigos de Deficientes Profundos in the area of neurodevelopmental disorders and multiple diagnoses. In this association, she also collaborated in the preparation and literature review of the book (In) Diferenças.
She also participated in several training sessions about disability, autism, cognitive and sensory stimulation, stimulation through art and mental health.
Currently, she is a full member of Ordem dos Psicólogos de Angola and carries out her professional practice in the field of parental education on neurodevelopmental disorders, in particular, autism. She also provides health services to Forças Armadas Angolanas.
Sheila collaborated on the project WeARTolerance, aiming to contribute to promote the sessions and to reduce stigma related to mental health.